P and JK | Policeman and Me | Movie Japan

P and JK | Policeman and Me | Movie Japan
Policeman and Me
Policeman and Me
Synopsis Policeman and Me
"P and JK" is an adaptation of the shoujo manga by Maki Miyoshi, which was serialized in the Bessatsu Friend manga magazine since December 13, 2012. The film which was filmed began in June and finished this July directed by Ryuichi Hiroki, who had previously direct the Strobe Edge movie.

As quoted from asianwiki.com and sumikai.com, in this film Tao Tsuchiya plays the role of Kako Motoya, a 16-year-old high school student. While Kazuya Kamenashi plays the role of Sagano City, a 23-year-old police officer. Kako did not have a boyfriend and one day he claimed to be a student to take part in group dates. There he met the City and fell in love with him. However, the City finally found out that Kako was still a high school student and his behavior in Kako had changed.

However, City is a policeman and even though he loves Kako, he knows that he can't be with him. Kako is then injured while trying to protect the City. The city then asks him if Kako wants to marry him, because that is the only way he can be with him as a police officer. At first Kako's father opposed their relationship, and only agreed with the marriage if they kept the secrets of marriage even though they had to lie to everyone around them.

Movie: Policeman and Me (English title) / P and JK (literal title)
Romaji: P to JK
Japanese: PとJK
Director: Ryuichi Hiroki
Assistant Director: Kenji Katagiri
Writer: Maki Miyoshi (manga), Nami Yoshikawa
Producer: Shingo Sekine, Takeshi Udaka, Satoko Ishida, Naoaki Kitajima
Cinematographer: Atsuhiro Nabeshima
Release Date: March 25, 2017
Runtime: 124 min.
Genre: Drama / Romance / Older Man & Younger Woman
Distributor: Shochiku
Language: Japanese
Country: Japan

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